
Welcome to Kainuu Orienteering Week 2024 as a volunteer!

The Kainuu Orienteering Week is known as an orienteering and holiday week for the whole family and it is one of Finland's largest mass sport events, which annually gathers 4,000 to 10,000 participants in Kainuu. Each year, around 300-350 volunteers organizes the event. For the next  summer, we expect a total of more than 4,000 orienteers and 1,500-2,000 spectators. There are a wide variety of work tasks, and most of them do not require orienteering experience at all. The skills of every volunteer can be used in various activities before, during, and after Kainuu Orienteering Week.

Kainuu O Week is a relaxed and easy-going event where orienteers of all levels, the spectators and the volunteers enjoy the Kainuu summer and a great sports event atmosphere. Come and enjoy working together!

Volunteers receive the following benefits at the event free of charge:

Before the event
  • Food and coffee for each work day
During the event (30.6.-5.7.2024, competition days Sun, Tue, Thur and Fri)
  • Volunteer card (services as follows free of cost):
    • Competition bus (Kajaani-Kilpailukeskus-Kajaani)
    • Parking ticket (if needed)
    • Food and coffee for each work day
    • Clothing (t-shirts + headdress (buff scarf, head band or cap)
After event
  • Food and coffee for each work day
  • Kainuu Orienteering Week 2024's Thank You event for every volunteer (organized in autumn 2024)
  • Volunteer work certificate

City of Kajaani summer work voucher (youths) 2024

Possibly, young people in the Kajaani region can take advantage of the Kajaani city's summer work voucher. This will be refined during autumn 2023 and spring 2024. Usually, the summer working time on a summer work voucher is about 2 weeks. After the event, you will receive an official work certificate to attach to your CV for the summer work at Kainuu O Week. If you are interested in summer jobs during Kainuu O Week, please contact the secretary general of the event: Jukka Liuha, 044-7679533, jukka.liuha@rastiviikko.fi.


If you need more information about a specific task, please contact us directly:

  • To the corresponding person of the sub-area or the contact person marked for the sub-area (contact information can be found in the registration form)
  • or
  • kilpailunjohtaja Jarmo Kämäräinen, 040-7268983, kilpailunjohtaja@rastiviikko.fi
  • or
  • kilpailutoimistoon Minna Rönkkö, 044-5123517, info@rastiviikko.fi
  • or
  • pääsihteeriin Jukka Liuha, 044-7679533, jukka.liuha@rastiviikko.fi

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