Kainuu Orienteering Week into the digital age -project 2019-2021 (Kainuun Rastiviikko digiaikaan -hanke) 

The Kainuu Orienteering Week in the digital age -project is a development project designed to develop Kainuu Orienteering Week digital services. 

Kainuu Orienteering Week has been held for more than 50 years since 1966, always in the first week of July. It is one of the largest sporting events in Finland, gathering 5,000-7500 different visitors to Kainuu every year. Calculated as the number of daily visitors, the number of visitors to the entire event during the week is 20,000 to 30,000 visitors per year. The number of visitors has remained stable in recent years. The event is quite significant for the Kainuu region from a regional economic point of view, leaving 1-2 million euros annually in the region. The majority of the event's participants (approximately 95%) will take place outside the region, either from other parts of Finland or abroad.

Kainuun Rastiviikko ry is responsible for the development of Kainuu Orienteering Week and the coordination of its organization. The members of the association are the clubs that organize Kainuu Orienteering Week every other year: Kajaani Suunnistajat, Kuhmon Peurat, Puolangan Ryhti, Sotkamon Jymy and Suomussalmen Rasti.

If Kainuu Orienteering Week is to be considered an attractive and top-notch event for tourists in Kainuu in the future, the arrangements and services of the event will now require significant investments in the development of digital services. At the moment, almost all of Rastiviikko's digital services are already old-fashioned, and in addition, Rastiviikko lacks modern operating methods and services.

The objectives of the project are:

1) comprehensive newzation of the website (incl. E-commerce) into a modern and future-oriented one

2) the development of the event's accommodation mediation activities and system to be modern and to support future changes

3) designing the graphic look of the event

In order to achieve the goals, the event's website (incl. E-commerce) will be renewed during the project, the event's accommodation brokerage activities will be developed and a graphic look will be designed for the event.

The total budget of the project is € 26,950, the project is funded by Elävä Kainuu leader and Oulujärvi leader.

The project measures target five municipalities in Kainuu: Kajaani, Kuhmo, Puolanka, Sotkamo and Suomussalmi.

The implementation period of the project is 1 March 2019 - 31 December 2020, an extension of the implementation period has been applied for with an amendment application, the new implementation period of the project ends on 31 December 2021.

More information: Minna Rönkkö, puh. 044-5123517
Email: info@rastiviikko.fi 

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