Kainuu MTBO Week 3-8 July 2022, Puolanka, Finland


Come and experience the 1st Kainuu MTBO Week in a history - enjoy the best MTBO terrains and views of Kainuu region.

Kainuu MTBO Week covers totally four (4) stages from three (3) different Competition Centres.

Kainuu MTBO Week's program:

  • Sun 3th July: Puolanka city centre / Honkavaara ski-centre, sprint, at 10.00am
  • Mon 4th July: Puolanka city centre / Honkavaara ski-centre, middle distance, at 11.00am
  • Wed 6th July: Paljakka Ski-Resort, long distance, at 11.00am
  • Fri 8th July: Luhtakangas, Kainuu O-Week's Competition Centre, middle distance, at 13.00am

Kainuu Orienteering Week's program has been planned so that competitors can combine the both foot orienteering week and Kainuu MTBO Week if so wanted. 1st stage of Kainuu MTBO Week is just before the 1st stage of Kainuu O-Week, 2nd and 3rd MTBO Week stages are held during off days of the Kainuu O-Week. The final 4th stage will be held in the same competition centre as the Kainuu O-Week and at the same time.

Photo: Paljakka

Entry and registration into Kainuu MTBO Week

Entry and registration is open and the entry steps are as follows:

  • 28th February 2022
  • 31st May 2022
  • 13th June 2022
  • On-site entry and registration is only possible for MTBO open courses (not into the MTBO competition categories)

Entry to Kainuu MTBO Week's competition categories at IRMA service.

Entry to Kainuu MTBO Week's open courses at Rastilippu service.

Finnish National MTBO Cup

Kainuu MTBO Week is a part of the Finnish National MTBO Cup.

Kainuu MTBO Week's official website

The official website of the Kainuu MTBO Week is here. The most relevant and latest information about Kainuu MTBO Week will be updated to the official websites.


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