Kainuu Orienteering Week office has moved to new premises!

Published: 08.02.2024

The competition and accommodation office of Kainuu Orienteering Week now serves at a new address.

Kainuu Orienteering Week new office is located next to the Kainuun Liikunta office in Vanha Postitalo (Old Post House) at Urho Kekkonen katu 4 B, 1st floor, Kajaani.

Kainuu Orienteering Week office is open Mon, Wed and Fri from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or at other times as agreed. You can reach us by phone at 044-5123517 on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Welcome to drop in!

Contact information:
+358 44 512 3517
Competition office: info@rastiviikko.fi
Accommodation office: accommodation@rastiviikko.fi

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