Event Centre is in the city centre of Kajaani at the Kaukavesi Aquatics Centre (street address Jokikatu 5, Kajaani).

Services in the Event Centre:

  • KOW-info (competition office, parking tickets, bus tickets, etc., KOW shop)
  • Dormitory accommodation info (the dormitories are located at Kainuu Vocational School "KAO", Oppi 4, Kajaani)
  • Open sprint orienteering event (Monday 1 July at 14-17)
  • Open sprint courses 2.-4.7.
  • Competition bus stop
  • Water sports centre Kaukavesi (e.g. swimming hall, gym and cafeteria)

KOW-info opening hours of the Event Centre

Friday 28 June: 14-17
Saturday 29 June: 14-19
Sunday 30 June: Closed
Monday 1 July: 12-18
Tuesday 2 July: 16-19
Wednesday 3 July: 12-18
Thursday 4 July: 16-19
Friday 5 July: Closed
Saturday 6 July: Closed



The Competition Centre is located about 15 km north of Kajaani.

The navigation address of the Competition Centre is Joutenlammentie 294, Kajaani.

The Competition Centre has e.g. restaurant and café services, orienteering and sports equipment shops, Muksula (Children’s day care), adventure track (Rastiralli) and showers with warm water. 

A dog park's located in the immediate vicinity of the P3-Spectors parking area at the Kainuu Horse Race.

It is forbidden to camp or stay over night(s) in the area of ​​the Competition Centre, competition terrain and on all parking areas!

Area map of the Competition Centre

KOW-info opening hours of the Competition Centre

Sunday 30 June: 11-19
Monday 1 July: Closed
Tuesday 2 July: 9-17
Wednesday 3 July: Closed
Thursday 4 July: 9-17
Friday 5 July: 8-16



Guiding to the Competition Centre are from road 5/E63, about 10 km north of Kajaani. The guiding posts will be in place on Friday 28 June 2024 at 15:00.


Parking areas are 0,3-7,5 km from the Competition Centre. Non-stop shuttle buses are available from parking areas located futher away. From the closest parking areas walking is possible to the Competition Centre. 

Motor cycles, mopeds and cycles
There are no separate parking areas for these. Free parking.

Campervans and Caravan
With campervan it is allowed to arrive in Competition Centre's parking areas (except to P2 area). With the combination of caravan + car arriving to Competition Centre and to the parking area is not allowed.

Parking tickets
Parking display tickets will be checked when leaving the parking area. A parking display ticket can be purchased in advance from the webshop or on-site from the KOW info at the Event Centre or Competition Centre. You can also purchase the display ticket when leaving the parking area (either in card or cash). We strongly recommend you to purchase your display ticket in advance so you do not have to wait when you are leaving the parking area.

P4 Kajaani City Centre / Event Centre see competition bus ticket prices
- Location: Aquatics Centre Kaukavesi (Jokikatu 5, Kajaani) or in the public parking areas of the Kajaani city centre
- Step in to the competition bus conveniently from the competition bus stop in the Event Centre. Driving time to the Competition Centre is about 30 minutes from here.

P3-SPECTATORS (Kainuu Horse Race Centre)
- Public 40 € / week, 12 € / day
- Campervans* 45 € / week, 13 € / day
- Location: Kainuu Horse Race Centre (Ravitie 48, Kajaani)
- Non-stop shuttle bus to the Competition Centre is included in parking ticket fee

P2-VIP/MEDIA (Joutenlampi)
- Available only in our webshop (limited amount of tickets)
- 65 € / week 
- Location: 100 meters walking distance to Competition Centre
- Allowed car models: only passenger cars with a height of max. 2 meters.

P1 DISABILITY (Joutenlampi)
- Can be purchased in advance with a mobility impaired parking ID: ask info@rastiviikko.fi
- 40 € / week and 12 € / day
- Location: at the Competition Centre

*NOTE! Caravans cannot arrive at the parking areas of the Competition Centre, so we recommend leaving the caravans at the accommodation or somewhere in a public parking area.



With the Competition Bus, you can travel conveniently from the KOW's dormitory accommodation (Oppi 4, Kajaani) to city centre of Kajaani through the Kainuu O Week Event Centre to the Joutenlampi Competition Centre and back during each of the four stages.

Competition bus route: See the Competition Bus route

Arrival: 16 km, estimated driving time 30 minutes (route in Google Maps)

Road Kuntokatu, bus stop Vimpelinlaakso P (KOW dormitory accommodation) – road Lönnrotinkatu – Kajaani City Centre (market square bus stop) – Event Centre (road Puutavaratie, bus stop Kaukametsä P) – road Vanha viitostie – road 5/E63 – road Joutenlammentie – Competition Centre (Joutenlammentie 294)

Departure: 16 km, estimated driving time 30 minutes

Competition Centre (Joutenlammentie 294) – road Joutenlammentie – road 5/E63 – road Vanha viitostie – Event Centre (road Puutavaratie, bus stop Kaukametsä P) – Kajaani City Centre (market square bus stop) – road Lönnrotinkatu – road Kuntokatu (bus stop Vimpelinlaakso P) – Road Kuntokatu, bus stop Vimpelinlaakso P (KOW dormitory accommodation)

The driving time from the bus departure point to the Competition Centre, including breaks, is about 30 minutes. Driving time from the Competition Centre back is about 30 min including breaks. The competition bus stop is at the Competition Centre.


Road Kuntokatu, bus stop Vimpelinlaakso P (KOW dormitory accommodation) - Kajaani (city centre) - Event Centre - Competition Centre

Sun 30.6. Tue 2.7. Thur 4.7. Fri 5.7.
  06:00 06:00 06:00
  06:45 06:45 06:45
07:30 07:30 07:30 07:30
08:15 08:15 08:15 08:15
09:00 09:00 09:00 09:00
09:45 09:45 09:45 09:45
10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30
11:15 11:15 11:15 11:15
12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00
12:45 12:45 12:45 12:45

Competition Centre - Event Centre - Kajaani (city centre) - Road Kuntokatu, bus stop Vimpelinlaakso P (KOW dormitory accommodation) 

Sun 30.6. Tue 2.7. Thur 4.7. Fri 5.7.
  13:00 13:00 13:00
  13:45 13:45 13:45
14:30 14:30 14:30 14:30
15:15 15:15 15:15 15:15
16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00
16:45 16:45 16:45 16:45
17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30
18:15 18:15 18:15 18:15

The organizer reserves the right to schedule changes.

Bus ticket prices

  One-way trip  Week ticket
Adult 4 € 20 €
Child (under 15-y) 2 € 10 €

Purchase parking tickets:

  • KOW Webshop (week tickets)
  • KOW info (card / cash)
  • Bus (only in cash or KOW webshop)

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