Instructions for beginners

Kainuu Orienteering Week is an annually organized orienteering and holiday week in Finland and Kainuu which consists four competition days and two rest days. Participant can choose categories from the both competition and open courses. Event is for the amateurs and to top orienteers.

Read more about the event's general information.

Check the Kainuu Orienteering Week 2023 program/timetable/schedule.


Entry and registration to Kainuu Orienteering Week

Pre-registration is mandatory for Kainuu O Week's competition categories.

To the KOW open courses (recreational orienteering) entry is possible as follows:

  • pre-registering for the whole week (discounted participation fees) or for single days (on-site participation fees)
  • or
  • on-site at the event for the whole week or for the single days

Read more and entry rastiviikko.fi -> Entry 


Booking accommodation

Kainuu O Week has a several options for good quality accommodation: Commercial accommodation in Kuhmo and Kainuu area, Kainuu O Week accommodation office provides private cottages, holiday apartments and houses and in addition dormitory accommodation, floor accommodation and camping&caravan accommodation.


Arriving to the Event

Reserve enough time for arriving to the event. Parking areas are between 0,5 - 9,5 kilometres from the Competition Centre and non-stop bus transportation is provided from the all parking areas to the CC. Non-stop bus transportation fee is included in the parking ticket fee. From the nearest parking areas it is also possible to walk to the Competition Centre. Competition bus is one good option to arrive, there are bus stops in Kuhmo city centre area or in the KOW Event Centre.


In the Competition Centre

If you are participating for open courses (recreational orienteering) go to the open courses info tent at the Competition Centre

If you are participating in to the competition categories you can find your competition number bib near the KOW info tent. All changes into your competitor information must be done in KOW info tent (for ex. change of the Emit card number). Check the terms of cancellation and changes beforehand. KOW info's officials will help if needed. Check you starting times from the start lists and go to the right starting point of your category. Your competitor information is visible in your number bib also.


Services in the Competition Centre

In the Competition Centre services are as follows: restaurant and café, orienteering and sports equipment shops, Muksula (Children’s day care), Rastiralli (Adventure Track), Dog Park (Dog's day care) and showers with warm water.

It is forbidden to camp or stay over night(s) in the area of ​​the Competition Centre, competition terrain and on all parking areas.


Departure from the Competition Centre

If you have arrived with own car remember to purchase a parking ticket from the Competition Centre's KOW info. Parking tickets are checked when cars are leaving from the parking areas. Parking ticket can be bought on-site at the parking area when leaving the parking area with card or cash, but we recommend to buy it beforehand from Competition Centre or Event Centre or KOW webshop.


Other things to do

Kuhmo and Kainuu offers large amount of different other thing and activities to do during the Kainuu Orienteering Week. Get familiar with the things and activities to do and plan your own orienteering and holiday week in Kainuu.

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