
Kainuu Orienteering Week 2022 open courses (open orienteering / recreational orienteering)

One of the most popular and diverse open orienteering possibilities in Finland

Open courses with 9 different skill levels for amateurs to professional orienteers. Additionally for the families and children we offer Family-RR and for children under school age we have a adventure like activity route called "Rastiralli."

Open courses participation fee includes the following services:

Kainuu O-Week open courses orienteering is a recreational orienteering -type open orienteering event, but our services for orienteers are top quality: 

  • Top quality orienteering terrains: Competition terrain of the Kainuu Orienteering Week 2022 is definitely one of the most greatest and diverse in the Kainuu region area

  • Top quality orienteering map and maps: The maps are guaranteed to be up-to-date and of the highest quality!

  • Top quality open courses and tracks: Course setters of the Kainuu O-Week are very experienced and been responsible for several international orienteering events course setting. In addition, course setting team is in deep cooperation with the professionals of the Mapline Oy, which is responsible about the mapping of Kainuu O-Week orienteering terrains. You can rely that open courses tracks are highest quality. 

  • Top quality Online Result Service: Kainuu O-Week's result service in open courses is as high standard as in the competition categories: we offer online results, split times, route gadget etc. So, when you arrive into the finish after your performance, you can start analyzing your effort immediately.

  • In the Competition Centre we have high standard services as follows:

    • Large selection of restaurant and café services: homemade lunch, grill portions, soup of the day meals, delicacy point and café which offers delicious pastries with fresh coffee
    • Children's day care (Muksula) for families with little kids and a adventure like activity route called "Rastiralli"

    • Dog Park, where pet owners can leave their dog for a day care during their orienteering

    • Showers with warm water and dressing facilities

    • Orienteering and sport merchandise shops

    • Local companies stands and shops

    • KOW shop with Kainuu O-Week products and merchandise

  • Raffle prizes: In open courses (A/B/C, Open/Family-RR) one prize in each category is raffled on each day.

Open courses categories and skill levels

Adventure route (Rastiralli)

Adventurous and marked orienteering track for families and under school-age children near the Muksula (Children's Day Care). Route is marked to forest with constant visible line and some labels so children can safely go to the forest. Usually parents or custodians are with the children during the route. During the route there are some nice and funny adventure tasks to do.

Family-RR (Open-RR)

Marked orienteering route for families and school-age children; usually for kids 10-years or under and with the family (parents or custodians). Route is marked into forest with constant visible line.


Courses are mainly very basic orienteering, easy skill level, best for beginners. C-short is also suitable for the families and kids with very easy skill level.


Courses are mainly normal orienteering, medium skill level, best for orienteers who are already experienced


Courses are mainly very demanding orienteering, hard skill level, best for experienced competitors and elite orienteers.

Categories: Scale Skill level Distance

A long

1:10000 Hard 8,0 km
A middle 1:10000  Hard 6,0 km
A short 1:7500 Hard 4,0 km
B long 1:10000 Medium 6,0 km
B middle 1:10000 Medium 4,5 km
B short 1:7500 Medium 3,5 km
C long 1:10000 Easy 4,5 km
C short 1:7500 Very easy 2,5 km
Family-RR / Open-RR*  1:10000 Marked route  1,7 km
Activity route**
  Marked route
0,5-1 km

*Includes maps for the whole family/group and one Emit card.
**Little prize is given on each day for the all participants

Start area guiding map

In the start area guiding map the location of the start areas and the distances to the starts are published.

Instructions and timetables

On each race day at Kainuu Orienteering Week it is possible to participate in open courses, family course and activity route. All courses are allowed to do alone or in a group. The participants are timed but overall results are not calculated and prizes based on ranking are not distributed.

Open courses schedules on race days

Day Open courses info open  Start open  The finish is closed 
Sun 3.7. 11.00-18.00 13.00-16.30  at 19.00
Tue 5.7.  09.00-16.00 11.00-14.30 at 17.00
Thur 7.7.  09.00-16.00 11.00-14.30 at 17.00
Fri 8.7. 08.00-15.00 10.00-13.30 at 16.00
NOTE! All orienteers who have left the forest must register at the finish even if  they have suspended their performance!!


Detailed instructions for entry and registration into KOW open courses: www.rastiviikko.fi -> Entry 

Instructions for pre-registered orienteers when arriving to KOW competition centre

Pre-registrations (with own Emit card): Pick up competition number from the binders near the Open Courses info tent at the Competition Centre. Mount the competition number on the chest and you can go directly to the start line. In this case, you do not need to visit the Open Courses info.

Pre-registrations (with a rental Emit card): After arriving at the Competition Centre go to the Open Courses info tent’s “pre-registration” stand. From there you will receive your competition number and a rental Emit card.

Instructions for Rastilippu service registered orienteers

  1. See your competition number from the start list.

  2. Retrieve the competition number bib from the folded adjacent to the open courses info point.

  3. If you have your own emit card, so go to the start area (5) and start to forest when start area´s officials gives you the permission.

  4. If you need a rental emit card, Register yourself when you arrive at the open courses info point at ‘pre-entries point’. From there you will have a rental Emit card - go to the start area (5) and start to forest when start area´s officials gives you the permission.

General instructions for open courses and family course

Before performance

  • Entry and registration

    • See the entry and registration instructions: www.rastiviikko.fi -> Entry 

    • For safety reasons Emit card is mandatory to use for all orienteers in Kainuu O-Week

      • In Family-RR with one Emit card it is possible to orienteer as a team/group for example a child with parents

    • All orienteers must use the number bib and it must be placed on the visible place in front of the shirt. Same number bib is used the whole week. Same number bib is used even if participation is for single days like 1st stage and 3rd stage so don't loose your number bib! If the number bib is lost the new one can be purchased in price 2 €

  • Instructions for on-site actions at the competition centre

    • Find open courses info tent at the competition centre

      • If you have pre-registered do as follows:

        • Pre-registrations (with own Emit card): Pick up competition number from the binders near the Open Courses info tent at the Competition Centre. Mount the competition number on the chest and you can go directly to the start line. In this case, you do not need to visit the Open Courses info.

        • Pre-registrations (with a rental Emit card): After arriving at the Competition Centre go to the Open Courses info tent’s “pre-registration” stand. From there you will receive your competition number and a rental Emit card.

      • If you haven't registered yet when you have arrived to Competition Centre see the entry and registration instructions: www.rastiviikko.fi -> Entry

  • Explore route options and maps:

    • The open courses of maps and routes can be seen in advance in the open courses info, which makes it easier to choose a suitable route

    • The courses of open courses and control descriptions have been pre-printed on the map (as in the competition categories)

    • Choose a skill and distance level that suits best for you

  • Start area instructions: 

    • All open courses start in start area 5

    • You can go to the starting point whenever you want during the open courses opening hours - NOTE! Check the race-day access to the forest from the KOW competition instructions or the open courses instruction this page

    • Sign up for the start officials (at the start area you will be asked for the competition number, Emit number and track/course)

    • the map can be obtained from the start area

    • the Emit card reset is on the start area (when orienteer is starting)

      • NOTICE! Without Emit card orienteer is not allowed to enter terrain

During performance

  • Circle around the orienteering course in numerical order

  • Do the emit punching on each control point and remember to check the control point code

  • Remember that court yards, farmed fields and other prohibited areas that are marked on the map are not allowed to use by orienteers

After performance

  • Select the number 5 for the goal line

  • Do the final Emit punching in the finish line

  • Walk by following the officials instructions to the Emit checkpoint tent

  • Course-specific results will be published on the website

  • The same Emit-card CANNOT be used in both competition and open categories.

  • In the open categories, two or more people can use the same Emit card - also in the same event.


In the open courses and family course timng is used but prizes based on ranking are not distributed. Also, in the open courses and the family course overall results are not calculated.

Every day, all participant in open categories lots drawn daily distribute prizes - be sure to check out on the open course info if you have won.

In Open/Family-RR there will be a participation prize for every participant.

20th, 30th, 40th and 50th anniversary medals

All orienteers who are participating into the Kainuu Orienteering Week for the 20th, 30th, 40th or 50th time, please inform us and leave your contact information at our office (info@rastiviikko.fi) by 31st May 2022 so that we can reserve enough anniversary medals for everyone. Anniversary medals are awarded in conjunction with stage winners’ prize-giving ceremonies.

Additional instructions for the family course

In the family category, the group will have one competition number and one Emit card that will be read at the start and finish.

In the family category, the organisers will provide maps for the family/group and one Emit card.

You are warmly welcome to the open courses of the Kainuu Orienteering Week!

NOTE! Check the validity of your insurance (eg leisure accident insurance) in orienteering events. Different insurance companies have different reimbursement practices. On the organizer side, the launching event is insured with the insurance of the Finnish Olympic Committee.



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