Kainuu Orienteering Week brings more than 25 000 visitors to Puolanka


Kainuu Orienteering Week’s third entry period closed on 31 May 2022. The current amount of pre-registered participants predicts that next summer’s week is again going to be a big mass event after a couple of gap years, since the 6 to 7 day long event week’s total number of visitors is going to be more than 25 000 visitors. Kainuu Orienteering Week is the biggest orienteering event in Finland after the Jukola Relay.

Accommodation available in Puolanka


Accommodation is available for booking for during the 3-8 July 2022 of the Kainuu Orienteering Week in Puolanka. New private accommodation and school accommodation (floor accommodation) have become available.

Check out the offer and book accommodation for Kainuu Orienteering Week!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022!


We wish everyone a very peaceful Christmas and good orienteering for the year 2022!

The people of Kainuu Orienteering Week are on holiday at the turn of the year. Read the article for instructions on how to make sports benefit payments during the rest of the year.

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Feedback questionnaire raffle completed


Kainuu Orienteering Week 4.-9.7.2021 feedback questionnaire has been closed and the raffle has been completed. The winners of the draw will be notifield in person. 

Thanks to everyone who respoinded to the feedback surveys! 

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